Air Cargo May Become Short-Term Solution

Air Cargo May Be Short-term Solution

The COVID-19 pandemic left many airlines reeling financially as passenger travel declined precipitously and concerns over international travel increased significantly, prompting airlines to turn towards cargo as an alternate form of revenue-generation; after all, filling passenger jet belly holds with goods is much more profitable than leaving planes sitting idle for long stretches of time.

Air freight provides high levels of security and direct point A to point B delivery, making it the ideal solution for time-sensitive shipments. In addition, its highly regulated operations offer reliability not available through other modes.

Air cargo provides businesses with an avenue to expand their global reach and explore new markets across multiple continents, connecting businesses to distant locations or markets that would otherwise remain out of reach. Air cargo services operate globally via airports and airlines that link companies with remote locations or distant markets.

Under pressure from price pressures, trade tensions, digitization disruption and rapid demand to transport goods quickly, the future success of air cargo lies with its stakeholders who are capable of adopting dynamic pricing strategies, managing capacity efficiently and building strategic partnerships. They must overcome traditional obstacles like short booking windows, limited systems capabilities or manual processes which have previously plagued airline and air cargo business models and hinder their ability to maximize revenues, operational efficiencies and deliver value-added services.

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